Cover image for Kelsey Lu

Kelsey Lu | Warp Publishing

Kelsey Lu

Another Magazine:

Classical yet modern, grounded yet otherworldly, both Kelsey Lu and the music she creates defy easy categorisation. She is a classically trained cellist and her output today is a unique fusion of everything from jazz to contemporary pop, blues to 1970s folk: her friends call her singular style “Lu-thereal”.

Kelsey Lu is a classically trained cellist and polymuse from Charlotte, North Carolina currently based in London. Lu’s artistic practice channels intersections between visual arts, performance, healing activism and music. In addition to their solo work, they find collaborations to be fundamental in the expansion of their practice which has brought them to intertwine with artists across a wide array of disciplines from within music, film, fashion and the fine arts.

selected releases:

Earth Mama (Original Soundtrack) A24 Music (2024)

Daughters (Original Soundtrack) Netflix Music (2024)

Blood, Columbia (2019)

Church, True Panther Sounds (2016)

Full Discography

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kelsey lu

kelsey lu

Kelsey Lu 
Morning Dew (Director's Cut)